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新學年新班 ~ touchtennis ~ 加開星期六下午

Coach Will Tsang 

英國倫敦 David Lloyd Clubs 首席教練

超過 10 年豐富經驗,擁有多項國際專業資格 (LTA RPT PTR)

Will has been coaching since 2003 and is qualified with the LTA PTR RPT and MTI tennis institutes. In 2007 he started working with the largest rackets club in UK, David Lloyd. In 2008 he became Head Coach of the Development Team and worked alongside Judy Murray in writing a Junior Tennis Training Programme called “The Road to Wimbledon”. Tiffany William and Oliver Golding are two of the players that Coach Will has previously worked with. Will has been coaching in Hong Kong since November 2012 and is the ambassador for a game called touchtennis, which is now the fastest growing racket sport in the world. Approved by the Lawn Tennis Association, touchtennis is now used as a great way towards lawn tennis for all levels.


甚麼是 touchtennis?


選用特別設計的記憶海綿球、兒童網球拍及經改良的專用球具,小球手可以循序漸 進地鍛鍊出肌肉記憶,並且在安全及輕鬆的環境中舒展筋骨。


課程內容: 英語小組授課,透過基本訓練,增加球手 的靈活性、敏捷度、平衡力、手腳眼睛的協調能力,同時鍛鍊 體魄,保持孩童身心健康。


3-4 歲(45 分鐘)~$1440/8 堂

5 歲或以上(1 小時)~$1920/8 堂 (完成 8 堂可獲發證書)

逢星期四 27/9 起


B) 4:15-5:15PM

C) 5:15-6:00PM

逢星期六 29/9 起


E) 4:00-5:00PM

F) 5:00-5:45PM

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